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Showing 23 pages using this property.

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Lisbon Workshop: Encouraging data usage by commercial developers +Second workshop of Share-PSI project (after Samos where Julia attended with Open Data Albania). Also successful it seems. Review was afterwards, no feedback, yet.


M2M Summit 2016 +Gave presentation about Semantic Technologies in a Continuous Information Process Engineering Cycle for Internet of Things Applications at Academic Day of M2M Summit 2016


Playing with Raspberry Pi +A howto to setup GrovePi and Rapberry Pi with Alexa, Telegram etc.


Reasoning Web 2010 Summer School +40, mainly PhD, students; Lectures: DL introduction and Reasoning in EL, Combining non-monotonic reasoning by rules with monotonic reasoning of DL, scalable reasoning, semantic search, semantic model-driven engineering (Steffen Staab). Other lectures about project MOST. Next time Ireland, Galway.


SMWCon Fall 2010 +SMWCon in Amsterdam.
SMWCon Fall 2011 +SMWCon has so far been a twice-yearly conference that brings together developers, users, and organizations from the Semantic MediaWiki community around the world.
SMWCon Fall 2012 +This time in Cologne, it has been the largest SMW event I have been, so far. Highly recommendable for all SMW enthusiasts, developers, and users.
SMWCon Fall 2013 +Yearly conference on Semantic MediaWiki. This time: 86 people, 17 countries, 50/50% from academia and industry.
SVN +Useful commands for SVN.
SemTechBiz 2014 +10th version of the SemTech conference. People from mainly industry but also researchers meet to exchange experiences with Semantic Web technologies. Around 150 participants (SemTech, only; without collocated NoSQL conference).
Semantic Statistics for Social, Behavioural, and Economic Sciences: Leveraging the DDI Model for the Linked Data Web +Workshop on creating Linked Data vocabularies for DDI related data. The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) has created XML schemas for describing the entire micro data (mainly from questionnaires in the social sciences) life cycle.
Semantic Web Meetup Linked Open Geodata 2011 +Talks about using geo/spatial data as Linked Data
Share-PSI 2.0 +Share-PSI 2.0 is the European network for the exchange of experience and ideas around implementing open data policies in the public sector.
Software Campus Summit +Second Software Campus Summit with presentation of projects and receiving of certificats.
Special characters in MediaWiki +Use HTML encoding: .


Timisoara Workshop: Open Data Priorities and Engagement — Identifying data sets for publication +3rd workshop on Open Government Data organised by Share-PSI 2.0 project.


Useful linux commands +Here I add Linux commands that I often use.


Vim +Useful commands in the text editor Vim.
Visiting Axel Polleres Group at WU Vienna +Presentation at Axel's group. Continued collaboration, especially with Stefan Bischof and Patrik Schneider about Open City Data Pipeline for Green City Index.


W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group and Share-PSI meeting +Visit of W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group f2f and Share-PSI final project meeting
W3C Web of Things Interest Group F2F Meeting Munich +Open day before F2F Meeting. Discussions about use cases in WoT. Demonstrators.
Wikimania 2010 +Wikimania is the annual international conference of the Wikimedia community. Wikimania allows the community and the general public to learn about and share their experiences with free knowledge initiatives all over the world. I was amazed about the diversity of people and the professionality of the organisation and community behind wikipedia.
Working Meeting on DDI-RDF Discovery Meeting +Continuing work on an RDF representation for the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI); DDI is providing XML schemas for describing micro data.
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