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Pages using the property "Outcome"

Showing 7 pages using this property.

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SemTechBiz 2014 +Main take-home messages: Apache Spark for fast in-memory-cluster-based analytics is gaining momentum as an alternative to hadoop and mapreduce. The main graph-based data models discussed seem to be RDF (surprise!) and the property-graph model as used by Neo4J and SAP (relations as first-class citizens to which arbitrary properties such as weights can be attached); oracle showed in a presentation how to (partly) quite trivially map between the two models. Based on the workshop "RDF as a Universal Healthcare Exchange Language - 2nd Annual", also other people recommend using RDF for representing medical information as we do in the SFB project.


Timisoara Workshop: Open Data Priorities and Engagement — Identifying data sets for publication +Structure for Best Practices on Sharing Public Sector Information: Overview of best practices: * Title * Short description * Why * Intended outcome * Relation to PSI directive * Possible approach * How to test * Evidence * Tags * Status * Intended audience * Related best practices


Visiting Axel Polleres Group at WU Vienna +Rough definition of Extended Open City Data Pipeline.


W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group and Share-PSI meeting +N/A
W3C Web of Things Interest Group F2F Meeting Munich +Overview of use cases.
Wikimania 2010 +N/A
Working Meeting on DDI-RDF Discovery Meeting +First spec of Linked Data vocabulary focusing on discovery aspect of DDI data. See current specification at (, see current turtle file at Git-Hub (
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