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Latest revision as of 15:25, 19 June 2014

Short info about the trip

  • Venue title: CeBIT 2014
  • Related project: LD-Cubes
  • Venue location: Hannover
  • Venue date: 2014-03-12
  • Website: http://www.cebit.de/
  • Short description: Visited Software Campus booth at CeBIT.
  • Outcome: Networking with participants and new applicants. Visited booth of other project-related companies (e.g., Jedox AG, BlueYonder, Tableau, IBM, RapidMiner, BARC, IBM, Exasol/DB behind Econda, QlikTech, SAP, Pentaho)
  • Other participants: N/A
  • Good experience: Lots of business cards, interesting meetings (e.g., SC participant creating navigation software for farmers, e.g., "now take the crops to that place...", RapidMiner about the power of Linked Open Data, BlueYonder/KIT spinoff about
  • Bad experience: Expected some finance companies to talk to; expected more innovative gadgets.

Longer description

This event was attended by: Benedikt Kämpgen