W3C Web of Things Interest Group F2F Meeting Munich
From www.b-kaempgen.de
Short info about the trip
- Venue title: W3C Web of Things Interest Group F2F Meeting Munich
- Related project: AICASys
- Venue location: Munich
- Venue date: 2015-04-20
- Website: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting:_20-22_April_2015_in_Munich#Open_Day_.28Monday.2C_April_20.29
- Short description: Open day before F2F Meeting. Discussions about use cases in WoT. Demonstrators.
- Outcome: Overview of use cases.
- Other participants: Darko Anicic,Souleiman Hasan
- Good experience: Interesting topic. Touches research areas where FZI/AIFB has long been working in.
- Bad experience: -
Longer description
Use cases:
- Homes and offices
- Life and healthcare
- Cities
- Energy
- Retail and catering
- Industry
- Environment
- Big Data
- Telepresence robot control via Web RTC
- Evrthng
- mozOpenHard project (http://mozopenhard.mozillafactory.org/)
- glue.things - http://www.gluethings.com/platform/whats-gluethings/
- Nominet (Water monitoring in Oxford) - http://research.nominet.org.uk/post/113951414546/data-visualisation-for-the-oxford-flood-network
- WoT.js WoT App Framework for Open Source Hardware - http://de.slideshare.net/hollobit/wotjs
This event was attended by: Benedikt Kämpgen