ESWC 2014

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Short info about the trip

Longer description

Sepublica workshop, presented paper on Sharing Research Data for IWRM: Presented SMART project work. Sharing and integration of research data seems interesting, around 20 people in the room. Use case interesting. They understood the difficulties. Not much feedback on the technical implementation using Linked Data and Semantic MediaWiki. In-Use track, presented paper on XBRL Challenge and FIOS: One hundred people listening. Questions: XBRL international? Wikipedia as a reliable data source? Demo track, presented paper about OLAP4LD and our Linked Data Cubes Explorer: 7 people. Heiko Paulheim liked it since we provide an API to ask analytical queries to statistical datasets on the Web. RapidMiner thinking of providing an adapter to our service to directly query for statistics, without hassle to load the data and to manually create the sparql query.

This event was attended by: Benedikt Kämpgen

  • Keynote speakers
    • Steffen Staab: Connecting programming and the semantic web. Outer Data Management/Inner Data Management, Path traversal within Object Oriented Language.
    • Luciano Floridi: Coordination, Semantics, and Autonomy. Philosopher. Complexity (computational complexity...). Coordination complexity, i.e., within a network, how many nodes have to communicate to solve a goal.
    • Volker Tresp: Relational learning.