OLAP4LD Demo at ESWC 2014

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On this page, we collect information about our demonstration at ESWC 2014.

In our demonstration we will show how changes in modelling are propagated to LDCX by live modifying a published QB dataset. Also, we show common modelling errors in existing QB datasets such as missing dimension rdfs:range or qb:CodeList and observations not adhering to data structure definitions.

Demonstrating the three-step interface

What will the audience learn? How to explore one dataset.
  1. Select dataset -> Explore dataset...
  2. Select measures
  3. Select dimensions on rows and columns -< Update table...


  • How does the query look like? MDX query, since datasets are represented as data cubes. Why not directly a SPARQL query? Because OLAP application designers do not know about SPARQL. MDX is specifically designed for analytical queries over multidimensional datasets (cube,measures,dimensions).
SELECT /* $session: 2e72789e-08d7-d14d-2450-c9f4004b04c1 */ NON EMPTY CrossJoin({[httpXXX3AXXX2FXXX2Folap4ldYYYgooglecodeYYYcomXXX2FgitXXX2FOLAP4LDZZZtrunkXXX2FtestsXXX2Fssb001XXX2FttlXXX2FexampleYYYttlXXX23lo_quantity],[httpXXX3AXXX2FXXX2Folap4ldYYYgooglecodeYYYcomXXX2FgitXXX2FOLAP4LDZZZtrunkXXX2FtestsXXX2Fssb001XXX2FttlXXX2FexampleYYYttlXXX23lo_revenue]}, {Members([httpXXX3AXXX2FXXX2Folap4ldYYYgooglecodeYYYcomXXX2FgitXXX2FOLAP4LDZZZtrunkXXX2FtestsXXX2Fssb001XXX2FttlXXX2FexampleYYYttlXXX23lo_suppkeyCodeList])}) ON COLUMNS
, NON EMPTY CrossJoin({Members([httpXXX3AXXX2FXXX2Folap4ldYYYgooglecodeYYYcomXXX2FgitXXX2FOLAP4LDZZZtrunkXXX2FtestsXXX2Fssb001XXX2FttlXXX2FexampleYYYttlXXX23lo_custkeyCodeList])}, {Members([httpXXX3AXXX2FXXX2Folap4ldYYYgooglecodeYYYcomXXX2FgitXXX2FOLAP4LDZZZtrunkXXX2FtestsXXX2Fssb001XXX2FttlXXX2FexampleYYYttlXXX23lo_orderdateCodeList])}) ON ROWS
FROM [httpXXX3AXXX2FXXX2Folap4ldYYYgooglecodeYYYcomXXX2FgitXXX2FOLAP4LDZZZtrunkXXX2FtestsXXX2Fssb001XXX2FttlXXX2FexampleYYYttlXXX23ds]
  • How to drill-down? By adding dimensions.
  • What is done in the backend? 1. Loading data cubes. Running normalisation algorithm, checking integrity constraints... 2. Executing MDX query over the data cubes.

Live modifying a published QB dataset

What will the audience learn? 
  • Pastebin Example Star Schema Dataset: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=839G2u72#ds
  • Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/839G2u72
  • Example modifications:
    • Change label of dataset.
    • Change discount of first observation.
    • Add a new dimension so that error is thrown. ("Failed specification check: IC-4. Dimensions have range. Every dimension declared in a qb:DataStructureDefinition must have a declared rdfs:range.", "Failed specification check: IC-11. All dimensions required. Every qb:Observation has a value for each dimension declared in its associated qb:DataStructureDefinition.")
[ qb:dimension :lo_superkey ]
    • Remove rdfs:range or qb:CodeList for skos:Concept dimensions.

Drill-Across Queries

What will the audience learn?

Example datasets:

Energy dependence: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/tsdcc310 (2001-2012)
Energy productivity: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/t2020_rd310 (2000-2012)
Energy intensity: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/tsdec360 (2001-2012)
Greenhouse gas emissions per capita: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/t2020_rd300 (2000-2011)
Share of renewable energy: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/t2020_31 (2004-2012)
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/t2020_50 (2004-2012)
People living in households with very low work intensity: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/t2020_51 (2004 - 2012)
People at risk of poverty after social transfers: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/t2020_52 (2003-2012)
Severely materially deprived people: http://estatwrap.ontologycentral.com/id/t2020_53 (2003-2012)

Common modelling errors

What will the audience learn?

Missing range

  • Transparency International Linked Data - Corruption Perceptions Index 2011: http://transparency.270a.info/dataset/CPI2011
  • Missing rdfs:range for dimension "source" [1]: "Failed specification check: IC-4. Dimensions have range. Every dimension declared in a qb:DataStructureDefinition must have a declared rdfs:range."

No resolveable URIs

No DataStructureDefinition

No properly modelled cube