Example QB Datasets

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Olap4ld shall allow to analyse instances of qb:DataSets, complying to the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary.

Sources for datasets

List of example datasets

We give a list of example datasets that can be analysed using olap4ld. Also we link to sources for more datasets.

Estatwrap: Eurostat Wrapper

  • DS:
  • Measures: obs value (but actually: average gdp growth rate,...)
  • Dimensions: geo, year, sex...
  • Problems
    • On Estatwrap, the ds URI is not easily given (in TOC?)

Edgar Wrap

SMART-DB Wrapper: Location AD0514 Analysis object Q Dataset

Yahoo! Finance Wrapper: Yahoo! Finance Stock Market Information for Bank of America Corporation on 2012-12-12

Cumulated German General Social Survey (aggregated)

Corruption Perceptions Index 2011


Health Status

Dataset: Utilities consumption data

SSB Dataset

ITUA-Imputed (Web Foundation; Web Index; RDF Data Cube Dataset)