Testing Olap4ld

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Revision as of 06:17, 20 September 2014 by Benedikt Kämpgen (Talk | contribs)

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  • We use the testing framework of olap4j. Tests can be configured using test.properties file.

We distinguish Tests over the olap4ld driver, directly over a Linked Data Cubes Engine, and over XMLA.



  • This test simply tries to execute rowset metadata queries to a certain dataset url directly on olap4ld.
  • Uses metadata queries on "OlapDatabaseMetaData"
  • Configured using test.properties file
  • Problem is that the Linked Data Cubes Engine EmbeddedSesame (and other probably too) for every connection initialises again the triple store. Thus, we can only query for all metadata within one "session". Thus, we have a test "testDatabaseMetaData()" that runs all tests in one session.


  • To help developers to create anew and debug a Linked Data Cubes Engine, we provide a JUnit test case "Example_QB_Datasets_QueryTest" that issues typical queries (using Example QB Datasets) on a Linked Data Engine and can be configured using a "test.properties" file.
  • Uses MDX queries on olap4ld driver with a specific LDCE.


  • To also help developers with Drill-Across queries, we provide the same as above for Drill-Across queries.
  • For instance, includes Drill-Across query test: testDrillAcrossEstatwrapGDPpercapitainPPS_EurostatEmploymentRate


  • Performance tests for Drill-Across operation.
  • Uses MDX queries on olap4ld driver with a specific LDCE.


  • Example tests for Convert-Cube/Merge-Cubes operation.
  • Uses MDX queries on olap4ld driver with a specific LDCE.



  • Unit tests directly for LDCE engine for Slicer


  • Unit tests directly for LDCE engine for Drill-across
  • Queries for gdp and emplrate.


  • Unit tests for metadata queries directly on LDCE engine.


  • Tests of Convert-Cube (and its extension, the Merge-Cubes) operator directly on LDCE engine.


  • Tests of Convert-Cube (and its extension, the Merge-Cubes) operator directly on LDCE engine for paper submission.



  • Unit test for LD-Cubes Explorer User Study Evaluation on XMLA.
  • Uses XMLA/MDX queries on an already started XMLA server


  • Unit tests for LD-Cubes Explorer (LDCX) Performance Evaluation.
  • Uses XMLA/MDX queries on an already started XMLA server